Yellow Jambhala Personal Deity Practice

(Attention: Text written or picture border in blue indicates web link.)

Preparation of shrine: In front of the image of Yellow Jambhala, set up a clean tray lined with money and covered with a mound of rice. Place three lit incense sticks in the mound of rice before the practice.

Start by praying for the root lineage blessing: First empty the mind. Next, visualize the Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng appearing above your crown and radiating light on everyone present. Chant the Root Lineage Guru Heart Mantra 7 times. Pray to the Root Lineage Guru to empower you so that the practice will be auspicious.

Engender the Four Immeasurable Minds: Visualize your parents, children, relatives, friends, and enemies join you in this practice.

Wake-Up Call: Clap twice, then cross hands and snap thumbs and middle fingers.

  1. Recite the Purification Mantras and Earth God Mantra
  2. Recite the Invocation Mantra
  3. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization
  4. Mandala Offering
  5. Fourfold Refuge
  6. Armor Protection
  7. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra (1 time).
  8. Recite the Rebirth Mantra (7 times).
  9. Recite the Root Guru's Heart Mantra (108 times):
    Om, gu-ru, lian-sheng sid-dhi hum
  10. Mudra and Visualization
    Yellow Jambhala Vajra Mudra : Hold the mudra at chest level.
    Illustration of mudra:

    Seed Syllable:

    Jum (Yellow in color)

    Visualization: First empty the mind
    Chant the Emptiness Mantra:
    Om, si-ba-wa, su-da, sa-er-wa, da-er-ma, si-ba-wa, su-do-hang. (3 times)
    1. Visualize the smoke given off by three incense sticks (inserted in a tray of rice) rise and transform into a moon disc. Inside the moon disc is yellow Sanskrit seed syllable「」''jum,'' emitting great yellow light.
    2. The seed syllable inside the moon disc revolves and transforms into Yellow Jambhala. His body is yellow and he sits in a half-lotus posture. He wears a gold crown adorned with gemstones. Yellow Jambhala's round face appears prosperous and slightly fierce with gemstone chains on his body. His right hand holds a pomelo-shaped treasure object and his left hand holds a treasure-spouting mongoose.
    3. Visualize the big toe of Yellow Jambhala's right extended foot swelling up, causing him great pain. At this time, chant in one's heart ''Om Ah Hum, So-Ha'' 3 times to invoke the Five Buddhas to appear in the empty space above.
    4. Visualize each of the Five Buddhas emit a beam of light to empower Yellow Jambhala. Chant the Empowerment Mantra ''Om hum jum seh ya'' 3 times. The empowerment from the Five Buddhas reduces the swelling of his right big toe until the swelling disappears. Yellow Jambhala smiles and his mongoose opens its mouth to spew gold onto the rice platter, turning the mound of rice into a mountain of gold.
    5. At this time, one may visualize the object of one's desire being spewed out of the mongoose's mouth.
  11. Recite the Yellow Jambhala Heart Mantra (108 times):
    Mala Beads Visualization:
    Hold mala beads in front of the chest and move each bead with the thumb during chanting. Visualize the left hand transform into a vajra bell and the right hand into a vajra scepter. The mother bead or emblem transforms into the Many-Jewels Buddha's Stupa and the four ''divider beads'' transform into the Four Deva Kings. The tassel transforms into a ''lotus hand'' while the string threading through the beads transforms into a circle of inherent white light of Vajrasattva. During mantra chanting, when a bead is moved, visualize Yellow Jambhala appearing inside the bead and come to the forefront.
    Mantra: Om, jum-bah-lah, chan-lan-chah-nah-yeh, so-ha.
  12. Entering Samadhi
    (Nine Cycle Breathing, Entering of the Deity into Oneself, Release of Oneself into the Cosmic Consciousness, Breath Counting)
    Allow one's mind to flow gently into the auspicious smoke of Yellow Jambhala and rise up to the empty space of the northern heavenly realm of Jambhala. Rest in a state of bliss and peace.
  13. Emerging from Samadhi
    Praise Verse:
    Bei-fang tian-wang xian fu-zu, Yi-qie cai-bao jiang wu-shu;
    Xian-qian yi-qie jie yuan-man, Shi-wei Fo-meng Hu-fa zhu.

    The prosperous Heavenly King of the North
    And great dharma protector of the Buddha Path
    Showers us with countless riches and treasures,
    Fulfilling all wishes with prosperity abound.
  14. Recite the Principal Heart Mantras
  15. Recite the Buddha's Name (3 times)
    Na-mo san-shi-liu-wan-yi yi-shi-yi-wan jiu-qian-wu-bai tong-ming-tong-hao ah-mi-tuo-fo.
    Namo the 36 trillion 119 thousand and 500 Amitabha Buddhas.
  16. Dedication
    zi-yuan-hu-fa-sheng-bei-tian, li-zan-gong-yang-ru-sheng-yu;
    Da-cai-huo-de-yong-fu-zu, zai-shi-fa-cai-ji-zhong-sheng.

    May I become a dharma protector and rise up to the Northern Heaven,
    May I enter the holy realm with praise and offerings,
    Attaining great wealth and eternal abundance,
    Bestowing dharma treasure to help all beings.

    May all who uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha
    Be born together in the Pure Land of His Western Paradise.
    Repaying the Fourfold Generosity from above,
    And aiding those who suffer in the Three Paths below.
    Upon seeing the Buddha,
    May I be liberated from the cycle of birth and death,
    And may I develop the qualities of Buddhahood,
    And thus free all who suffer.
    I, ________ (your name), dedicate the merits of this practice to the Root Guru. May the Root Guru always be healthy, remain in Samsara, never enter Nirvana, and forever turn the Dharma Wheel. May everyone be healthy, free of hindrances, strong in cultivation, and may all circumstances become auspicious.
    May all supplications be completely fulfilled.
    May all hindrances be removed. Wun!
    (For a detailed explanation of this dedication, please refer to page 165 of A Complete and Detailed Exposition on the True Buddha Tantric Dharma.)
  17. Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra (3 times)
  18. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization (same as step 3)
  19. Recite the Completion Mantra
    Om, Bu Lin. (3 times)
    Om Mani Padme Hum.
Dismissal: Clap twice, then cross hands and snap thumbs and middle fingers.
End of Practice: Xiu-fa yuan-man, ru-yi ji-xiang. May all endeavors be auspicious.

An empowerment must be received from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or an authorized True Buddha School master before one engaging in this particular sadhana.
「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。