Suspension of LSCTT Saturday Night Cultivations


西雅圖雷藏寺週六晚上的同修,從3/14 暫停舉行。

Notice for Suspension of Saturday Night Cultivations:

Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple will temporarily suspend Saturday night cultivations starting March 14, 2020.

With the widespread novel coronavirus epidemic, Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple will comply with the recent order issued by the State of Washington and Seattle & King Couty Public Health to suspend Saturday night cultivations until further notice.

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。