Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple’s 2021 Winter Warmth Donation Drive
【Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple News】
18 December 2020
With the arrival of the severe winter season, Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple in Redmond, WA, once again launched its Winter Warmth Donation Drive. On December 18, 2021, led by Reverend Lian-ling (蓮靈法師), a group of volunteers comprising Reverend Lian-hua De-hua (蓮花德華法師), Dharma Instructor Mei-ling (蓮花美苓講師), dharma sisters Sharon and Ji-rong (季蓉師姐), braved the cold and rainy weather and drove three cars packed full of items to Facing Homelessness, a charity located near the Seattle campus of the University of Washington.
This Winter Warmth Donation Drive is the culmination of efforts by all disciples from Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple and Rainbow Temple, upholding the teachings of HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng that when others drown, we drown; when others suffer, we suffer. In the spirit of the four immeasurable minds (brahmavihārās) of loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity, everyone participated and donated generously to actualize loving-kindness to all, and practice compassion without discrimination!
Karina Wallace, the manager of Facing Homelessness, accepted the relief supplies and showered us with profuse praise for bringing "timely rain", items such as jackets, thermal underwear, socks, instant noodles, biscuits, potato chips, and mineral water. The two dharma sisters even specially donated raincoats, and hot food (packed meals, fried rice, meatballs, etc.), wafting a delicious aroma.
Soon after the donation, Karina sent a letter of thanks, conveying the joy and gratitude of the homeless, and described how everyone enjoyed the warm meal, and appreciated the clothes in particular, because they had traveled long distances in the rain to walk to Facing Homelessness. Soaked all over, they felt very fortunate that they were able to change into new clothes.
We feel very happy and gratified indeed to be able to help those in need!