On Sunday, Sep. 8, 2024, 3:00 PM, at Rainbow Temple, True Buddha School Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will preside over a Noble Guanyin Homa Ceremony, and bestow empowerment for Noble Guanyin Uncommon Practice. (Live Webcast Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLl20r-KQlapX_5fT-N3cOw)
【Noble Guanyin Mudra (Number-One Mudra) :】

Interlace the fingers inward with the right thumb pointing upwards.
【Noble Guanyin Seed Syllable :】

Seh (Yellow in color, emitting great yellow light)
【Noble Guanyin Mantra :】
”Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.” (108 times)
【Noble Guanyin Dharmalakṣaṇa Brief Introduction】

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Talk - Noble Guanyin Background and Key Cultivation Formula】
The True Buddha School (TBS) originated the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Uncommon Practice. It is therefore an uncommon practice of TBS.
Inexhaustible Gold, Silver, and Other Treasures, Five Grains, Five-Colored Silk Cloth
The Mudra of Noble Guanyin Interlace fingers inwardly
The Thumb of the Right Hand Points Straight up
The Number One Mudra on Earth All Wealth Deities Must Obey Her Commands
One Becomes the World’s Wealthiest Person
To obtain this wealth, take note of several important points: First, Noble Guanyin’s mudra. Her thumb points upward as in “number one." Her mudra is different and very special. This is the mudra of Noble Guanyin. As you can see by looking at Noble Guanyin, she is forming the “number one” mudra.
What is the meaning of “da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha”? “Gu-ru-ye” means “number one." “Da-zha-bu-ze” means “enormous accumulation," great and unsurpassed wealth. “So-ha” signifies perfect fulfillment of one’s wishes. “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum” is Noble Guanyin. The meaning of the mantra is “Enormous unsurpassed wealth to fulfill your wishes."
“Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha” is the second key formula. You must recite this mantra. Let me tell you: Regardless of how many times you recite the mantra, as long as you attain spiritual union with Noble Guanyin, you will attain great wealth in this lifetime. How wealthy will you be? You will always have money to spend, will never be out of money, and spend as much as you wish.
We now have the key cultivation formulas: the mantra, the mudra, and finally, the offering, which is very important. One does not offer just any ordinary thing. To make the offering, you must offer three plates of very special things. The offering is very important.
The first offering plate holds “five treasures." (from his Dharma throne, Grandmaster holds up a five-treasure offering plate). This plate holds five treasures. (Grandmaster holds up a kilo of gold) This is a kilo of real gold.
Gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, and crystal are the five-treasure offerings. Offering a kilo of gold is, of course, beyond the capability of most people. One can offer gold leaf instead. The first offering is the five treasures.
The second offering is “five-colored silk cloth." five-colored silk cloth, either silk or silk cloth is acceptable, the most expensive cloth. The five-colored silk cloth should be folded like this (from his Dharma throne, Grandmaster holds up an offering of five-colored silk cloth). This should be on your second offering plate.
On the third plate, one should offer “five grains." Does everyone know what the five grains are? (From his Dharma seat, Grandmaster holds up an offering of five grains.) Rice, barley, wheat, beans, sesame seeds, these are the five grains. These are the five kinds of food we humans eat. These three offerings are different from each other. One offers five treasures, five-colored silk cloth, and five grains.
Therefore, these three offerings are completely unique from others. They are not just flowers, incense, lamps, tea, and fruit. Additionally, the offering must have five Treasures, five-colored silk cloth, and five grains. These three offerings are unique, and the dedication is also unique. When finished cultivating the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice and ready to dedicate, the most important point is that one will have unlimited gold, silver, and treasures to spend, unlimited five-grains to eat, and unlimited silk garments to wear. With just unlimited gold, silver, and treasures, one already can obtain unlimited houses, land, and other things. If you don’t attain it in this lifetime, you will in your next lifetime.
Upon attaining spiritual union with Noble Guanyin, one has accomplished the practice and becomes the world’s wealthiest person.
The upcoming empowerment is very important. When receiving the empowerment, one should form the “Number One in the World” mudra to command all the wealth gods in the world to assist one. It would indeed be strange if you didn’t get rich when you are helped by all the wealth gods in the world! Come and participate in the ceremony. Stop coming to me with a sad face because you don’t have any money. Where does money come from? Where does the wind come from? It comes from cultivating the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. If one does not accomplish the wealthiest person in this lifetime, if one really doesn’t, then one will succeed in one’s next lifetime. (Audience applause.) As long as one registers for the ceremony, one will have a share. This is different! The mudra is different, the offering is different, and the mantra is different. “Da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.” “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum” is Noble Guanyin.
Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Discourse on Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Uncommon Practice at Rainbow Temple on Sep. 9, 2023
Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice
Noble Guanyin Wealthiest Person Practice (Wealth-Over-Lifetimes Practice) Q&A I TBF-DA Prac # 022
Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice Q&A Part 2 TBF-DA Prac. #024
If you have not received the empowerment for this practice, please do not read the sadhana.
!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!
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