302_Shining Golden Words: Searching for the Hidden Gems From the Vast Ocean

Author:Sheng-Yen Lu

Publisher:True Buddha Prajna Treasury

Publication Date:2024/11/09

Language:Traditional Chinese

Suitable for ages :All

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Shining Golden Words (Preface)

I remember a story:
During the time of the Buddha, there was a famous doctor named Jivaka from the Kingdom of Magadha. He often took care of the Buddha’s disciples, and even performed an ancient form of surgery on the king, skillfully using anesthesia to cure the king's brain tumor.

Jivaka from India and Hua Tuo from China were equally renowned. It is said that Hua Tuo once operated on Guan Yu in the same way.

The story goes like this:
When Jivaka was studying medicine, his teacher asked the students to go into the mountains to look for herbs. If the students could find herbs without any medicinal properties, they were to bring the herbs back.

The students searched through the mountains. When the students returned, almost all of them had found herbs without any medicinal properties. The teacher remained silent.

Later, Jivaka came back empty-handed. The teacher asked, "Why have you returned empty-handed?"
Jivaka replied, "I searched through all the herbs, and found that each and every one has medicinal properties."
The teacher nodded, "Well done! Yes, you are indeed a true disciple!" Thus, Jivaka became a renowned physician of his time.

I (Grandmaster Lu) use this story as an introduction in my search for the hidden gems from the vast ocean, the shining golden passages. I unexpectedly discovered that very ordinary words or phrases are actually shining golden passages, readily available all around us.

These sentences are:
Key insights.
These ordinary sentences, once thoroughly understood, give rise to transcendent perspectives. These sentences are often overlooked, but upon closer examination, one will be inspired and amazed by them. It turns out that hidden gems are everywhere.

On May 5, 2024, sitting on the Dharma throne, I performed a Jade Pond Golden Mother Homa Ceremony at Rainbow Temple. The moment Golden Mother entered my heart, my tears flowed for about twenty minutes.
People asked, "Why is Grandmaster Lu so heartbroken?"
I replied, "It's not me crying, it's Golden Mother."
They asked, "What is she crying about?"
I responded, "Out of compassion for all sentient beings."

I am telling everyone, "Jade Pond Golden Mother taught me to think of others and treat all sentient beings with compassion." This sentence is very ordinary, but within the ordinary lies the extraordinary. Can this be?
These are golden words!

Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-Yen Lu
17102 NE 40th Ct.,
Redmond WA 98052
April 2024

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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