【True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement】
Clarification on the Sequence and Pronunciation of the Hundred Syllable Mantra
On Aug. 1, 2023, Lineage Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng provided the following instruction:
In the discourse during the ceremony on Sunday, July 30, 2023, what I emphasized was the difference between two sequential phrases in the mantra, and that the pronunciation of the two phrases must be accurate. The sequence of the two phrases is “soo-do (su-duo)” followed by “soo-poo (su-pu).” My primary purpose of teaching this is to ensure clarity in the pronunciation of "duo" in the “suduo” and "pu" in the “supu.”
Note: Since Root Guru pronounces the syllable “甫”in the Hundred Syllable Mantra as “pu,” please recite according to this pronunciation.
Hundred Syllable Mantra
「Om, bie-zha, sah-do sa-ma-ya, ma-nu bah-la-ya, bie-zha sah-do deh-nu-pah-deh-cha, zhe-jo mi-bah-wa, soo-do ka-yu mi-bah-wa, soo-poo ka-yu mi-bah-wa, an-nu-la-do mi-bah-wa, sa-er-wa, sid-di, mi-bu-la-ya-cha, sa-er-wa, ka-er-ma, soo-cha-mi, ji-ta-moo, see-li-yam, gu-ru hum, ha-ha-ha-ha-hoh, bah-ga-wan, sa-er-wa, da-ta-ga-ta, bie-zha, ma-mee mun-cha, bie-dzi-ba-wa, ma-ha sa-ma-ya, sah-do-ah, hum, pei.」
Note: As written words cannot truly convey the actual pronunciation transmitted by the Root Guru, practitioners should personally listen to the Root Guru’s transmission of the sound.
True Buddha Foundation
Aug. 2, 2023