A Heartfelt Thank-You Note to Dade Youth

Our Thanks to Dade Youth of the Federation of True Buddha School Malaysia

The True Buddha Foundation (TBF) and the True Buddha School International Youth Program (TBSIYP) would like to express heartfelt gratitude to Dade Youth of The Federation of True Buddha School Malaysia.

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe and caused worldwide devastation in 2020, Dade Youth actively assisted TBF by organizing a variety of online activities via ZOOM. These activities have enabled worldwide TBS disciples to learn, grow, and connect with one another.

From August 2020 to August 2021, the following projects were undertaken:

  1. A total of 9 online sessions were held between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel:
    1. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in Malaysia.
    2. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in Indonesia.
    3. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in Taiwan.
    4. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in Europe.
    5. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in Australia and New Zealand.
    6. A networking workshop between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in the Eastern Time Zone of US and Canada.
    7. Networking workshops between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in the West Coast/Pacific Time Zone of the US and Canada.
    8. Networking workshops between TBF, cultivation venues, and all levels of Dharma propagating personnel in South East Asia.
    9. Networking workshops between TBF, worldwide persons-in-charge of cultivation venues, and lay Dharma propagating personnel.
  2. True Buddha Education Department – lectures and webinars
    1. Master Lianhe (蓮訶上師) – Pith Teaching to the Path of Liberation, 5 lessons
    2. Master Lianyue (蓮悅上師) – Hospice Care – The Golden Eight Hours, 2 lessons
    3. Master Shaodong (少東上師) – High Powered Media Publication and Advertising Strategies, 2 lessons
    4. Master Shaodong (少東上師)- How to Respond to Misunderstanding and Slander Directed at the True Buddha School 《Rumours, Wise Men, Real Values!》
    5. Master Shaodong (少東上師)- How to Respond to Misunderstanding and Slander Directed at the True Buddha School 《Blind Faith, Right Faith, Faith Arising from Wisdom!》
    6. Ambassador Daniel T.C. Liao – International Etiquette for Lay Buddhist Practitioners
  3. Dec. 31, 2020 to Jan. 1, 2021 – 24-hour Praying-for-the-World Guru Heart Mantra Recitation Relay.
  4. Designed a mobile app that enables online khata presentation to Grandmaster.
  5. Online fundraising for the Sangha.
  6. Celebrating Guru Buddha’s 77th Birthday with 108 worldwide relay recitations of the True Buddha Sutra to supplicate Guru Buddha to stay in the world.
  7. Celebrating Guru Buddha’s 77th Birthday with worldwide relay recitations of the Longevity Buddha Mantra for 24 hours to supplicate Guru Buddha to stay in the world.
  8. Clinical Psychologist Huang Weixiong presented an online seminar on “Epidemic Prevention and Anti-Depression” to enhance mind immunity.
  9. The TBF Dharma Affairs Department organized training courses and classroom system design and management.
  10. TBSIYP Singapore division held an online seminar on “Fighting Animal Cruelty and Neglect” and invited worldwide youth to participate in the mission.
  11. The production and editing of TBF videos
  12. In response to a Lotus Light Charity Society initiative, eight Masters across respective cultivation venues in Indonesia simultaneously presided over a nationwide Green Tara Homa and Blessing Ceremony. The event was webcast live via ZOOM and TBSN TV YouTube Channel.

We wish to acknowledge the enormous contribution made by Dade Youth in helping to energize and carry out TBF projects and initiatives. To demonstrate our heartfelt appreciation, we would like to present a note of sincere thanks to Dade Youth. It is our hope that more and more young people will become actively involved in TBSIYP. May we all turn the Dharma wheel together.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
True Buddha School International Youth Program
August 18, 2021

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Lynn Ang
Editor: Henry Wolf and DJ Chang

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。