[Important Notice from the True Buddha Foundation]

[Notice from the True Buddha Foundation]

Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yen [蓮生活佛 盧勝彥] never opened personally any website or any Facebook Page. All unauthorized use of the name of Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yen [蓮生活佛 盧勝彥] will be prohibited. And Living Buddha Lian Sheng-Yen has not allowed anyone to open a website or Facebook and Facebook Fan Page for him, please immediately remove and delete all unauthorized Facebook accounts and related content.
Without the consent from Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yen, no one will be allowed to use the name of Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yen.

Currently in Facebook, the True Buddha School has three official website:

https:// www.facebook.com/syltbsn/ (Chinese)

https:// www.facebook.com/syltbsnenglish/ (English)

https://m.facebook.com/syltbsnindonesia (Indonesian)

Sincerely Yours

True Buddha Foundation

March 13, 2014

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。