True Buddha Dharma-character Treasury - Tsongkhapa

On Saturday, Mar. 09, 2019, 3:00 PM, at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple, True Buddha School Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will preside over a Tsongkhapa Homa Ceremony, discourse the Lamdre, and bestow empowerment for Tsongkhapa Uncommon Practice, three major Vajrayana accomplishments (including light, samadhi, and homa attainments. The empowerment of homa attainment allows disciples to practice fire offering.). (Live Webcast Link: or

【Tsongkhapa Mudra: Turning-the-Dharma-Wheel Mudra】

The left thumb and left index finger touch at their tips to form a circle. The three remaining fingers of the hand remain extended. Form the same mudra on the right hand. With this mudra formed, the left hand faces inward which covers the right mudra facing outward.

【Tsongkhapa Seed Syllable :】


【Tsongkhapa Mantras :】

Long Mantra: 「Om-ah-hum。ban-za。zong-ka-pa。ge-lu。so-ha。」
Short Mantra: 「Om。ban-za。zong-ka-pa。ge-lu。so-ha。」

【Tsongkhapa Dharmalakṣaṇa Brief Introduction】
Tsongkhapa is white, with one head, two arms and two legs. He looks compassionate and perfect, and appears as magnificent as a buddha. Smiling and wearing a yellow dharma robe coupled with a yellow dharma hat, he sits in full-lotus position upon a moon-disc on a lotus dhama throne upheld by eight great lion kings. Tsongkhapa forms the Turning- the-Dharma-Wheel Mudra in front of his chest while holding a lotus In each hand. On the lotus in his right hand is a Prajna Sword. The Prajna Paramita Sutra is on the lotus in his left hand.

Radiant with brilliant wisdom light which shines in all directions, the patriarch discourses the vast and profound Buddhadharma. The buddhas of the three times, namely Dipamkara Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha, are above Tsongkhapa's crown. Below the buddhas of the three times are the three protectors, Four-armed Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and Vajrapani Bodhisattva. The practitioner is positioned below Tsongkhapa.

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Discourse - Tsongkhapa Background and Key Cultivation Formula】
Tsongkhapa and I communicate spiritually. If anyone here remembers when Ganden Tripa, the 100th lineage holder of the Gelug Sect, came to Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple, please raise your hand. Ganden Tripa gave Grandmaster a Dharma King dragon vest he had worn, an empowerment vase, a vajra bell, a vajra sceptre, a damaru, and other implements used in cultivation.

Who did Ganden Tripa represent? Patriarch Tsongkhapa. Only three persons were afforded a yellow canopy procession when they went out. People lit incense on the shrine to send them off and welcome them back. In the Gelug Sect, there were only three such persons; the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama, and Ganden Tripa. As the representative of Tsongkhapa, Ganden Tripa bestowed on Grandmaster a dragon vest, and empowerment vase, a vajra bell, a vajra sceptre, mala beads, and a hand drum.

Ganden Tripa is actually the leader of the Gelug Sect. When he went out, he followed behind a procession and walked beneath an apricot colored canopy, and incense was lit to send him off and welcome him back. Only three persons were afforded this honor; the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama, and Ganden Tripa as well, because they are the hierarch of the Gelug Sect.

When Tsongkhapa left his home for Tibet, he made grand offerings at Jokhang Temple and Ramoche Temple. Because of this, Guanyin Bodhisattva took him to the summit of the highest mountain. Tsongkhapa saw a cyan lotus there which he picked and held in his hand. Guanyin told him, ''You are Cyan Padmakumara.'' I will tell everyone a secret. Venerable Atisha founded the Kadam Sect, Tsongkhapa founded the Gelug Sect, and Grandmaster founded the True Buddha School. Actually, all three were founded by Padmakumara. This is the first secret. Guanyin Bodhisattva told Tsongkhapa, ''You are the Cyan Padmakumara.'' In the history of Tsongkhapa in the human realm, this incident occurred. This is the first secret.

The second secret is that during his lifetime, Tsongkhapa greatly revered Atisha, and studied many of Kadam teachings. Tsongkhapa's incorporated teachings from Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment and the Graded Path for the Three Types of Individuals into his Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, great teaching of Sutrayana. Because he adopted the Kadam School, the first temple Tsongkhapa built was a Kadam temple, which is now called Ganden Monastery, a memorial to Atisha. Atisha transmitted his Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment to Tsongkhapa, who incorporated it into his Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.

During his lifetime, Tsongkhapa had three gurus. These three gurus were his principal gurus, and Tsongkhapa considered them his root gurus. Tsongkhapa also paid homage to 14 other gurus, perhaps as many as 32 gurus, so one could say Tsongkhapa had 32 gurus. He studied both Vajrayana and Sutrayana in depth. Grandmaster had 27 gurus altogether. Tsongkhapa had 32 gurus. His learning was vast and profound, primarily focusing on the Middle Way. However, one should not mistakenly think that Tsongkhapa studied only the Middle Way. He also studied the Five Treatises on Consciousness Only, the Five Treatises on the Middle Way, and the treatises of many other patriarchs. His scholarship was truly vast and profound. His first guru was the Dharma King Dondrup Rinchen, who took Tsongkhapa under his wing when he was very young, teaching him Vajrayana, bestowing on him the Kalachakra, Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja, and Chakrasamvara empowerments. Later, Tsongkhapa studied Hevajra and all other wrathful deity practices. Dondrup Rinchen, Tsongkhapas's first guru, taught him Vajrayana, raised him until he was about 16 or 17, then took him to Tibet.

While in Tibet, Tsongkhapa travelled back and forth all over the country, going everywhere. Wherever he met someone of great wisdom or virtue, he would start learning the Buddhadharma, whether Sutrayana or Vajrayana, from them. From a guru named Rendawa Shonnu Lodro, Tsongkhapa learned Vajrayana and began to actually practice. Rendawa Shonnu Lodro was originally associated with a Sakya temple, that is, he belonged to the Sakya Sect. Under Rendawa Shonnu Lodro, Tsongkhapa studied the Middle Way and Causes [Hetu]. Later, Tsongkhapa still had many questions about the doctrines of the Middle Way and Consciousness Only. He encountered a person named Lama Wumaba [transliteration] who could communicate spiritually with Manjusri Bodhisattva and was able to answer all his questions. Whatever questions Tsongkhapa had, he would ask Lama Wumaba. Lama Wumaba would ask Manjusri, and Manjusri would personally give a complete and perfect answer to Tsongkhapa's question. This experience formed the third important development of Tsongkhapa's education, the ''correct view of the Middle Way''. The most important emphasis of the Gelug Sect was ''renunciation''. The second most important emphasis was ''bodhicitta'', and the third was the ''correct view of the Middle Way''. This is what Tsongkhapa himself told me. Apart from this, the emphasis was on precepts.

On Sept. 6, 2018, Tsongkhapa manifested in my study. His countenance was indeed perfect in every way. He was in high spirits and had light of many colors radiated from his body. He was holding a cyan lotus in his hand. ''Who are you?'' I asked. Tsongkhapa replied ''Lion's Roar Tathagata'' and immediately manifested the form of a tathagata. Upon his attainment of Buddhahood, Tsongkhapa was given the epithet Lion's Roar Tathagata. This is the second secret. Who knew his epithet was Lion's Roar Tathagata? Could any master who knew this raise their hand? Don't be reticent. If you knew Tsongkhapa's buddha epithet was Lion's Roar Tathagata, go ahead and raise your hand. It appears that none of you knew Tsongkhapa was Lion's Roar Tathagata. This is his secret!

''Where have you come from?'' I inquired. Tsongkhapa replied, ''From the Tusita inner court of Maitreya.'' Actually, he laughed and said, ''The Dharma body is infinite and boundless.'' Tsongkhapa said that I was his emanation, that I, Grandmaster Lu, was his emanation. I said, ''I was pretty sure you were Tsongkhapa. I was just thinking of you.'' Tsongkhapa said, ''I come on my own. There is no need to go looking for me.'' I said, ''Please personally describe your background.'' Tsongkhapa replied, ''I am originally the emanation of Manjusri.''

Tsongkhapa is also Padmakumara. He said that his activity was the same as all other buddhas. This is what Tsongkhapa said. He said that when he was at Jokhang Temple and Ramoche Temple, he received this guidance from Guanyin Bodhisattva, ''When you were at the mountain peak, you picked a cyan lotus. You are therefore Cyan Padmakumara.'' I replied, ''It turns out we have the same root.'' Regarding the background of his practice, Tsongkhapa replied, ''From the age of 3-16, I learned Vajrayana cultivation from Living Buddha Dondrup Rinchen. Empowerments bestowed on me were Manjusri Bodhisattva and Sarasvati. I later learned Yamantaka, Chakrasamvara, Hevajra, and Vajrapani.'' Tsongkhapa said that during that time, ''Atisa manifested repeatedly and said that in the future, I would propagate the Dharma of the Gelug sect.''

The first temple Tsongkhapa built was Kadam temple, which is now known as Ganden Monastery. Tsongkhapa said, ''I am a pure monk who spreads the holy teachings and widely propagates Buddhadharma.'' Tsongkhapa said, ''First I studied the Middle Way teaching of Nagarjuna, Aryadeva and Chandrakirti.'' The Consciousness Only doctrine I learned was that of Maitreya, Asanga, and Vasubandhu. Additionally, I studied Causes. I learned from many gurus, and listened and contemplated many treatises.'' Tsongkhapa studied countless treatises, and I am now only recounting his study of Maitreya's Ornament of Clear Realization; The Treasury of Abhidharma is the Radiant Light Treatise, the teaching from the beginning cultivation all the way up to the attainment of Buddhahood.

He also studied the Middle Way Treatise [Madhyamaka], the Entering the Middle Treatise [Madhyamakavatara] of Candrakirti, Dignaga's Compendium of Validities [Pramaṇa-samuccaya], the Commentary on Valid Cognition [Pramanavarttika], and the Treatise on Precepts, which is about the precept discipline system. Tsongkhapa's primary root guru was ''Most Highly Revered Root Guru Rendawa Shonnu Lodro.''

Tsongkhapa said, ''I learned the Sutrayana teachings from Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dignaga, and Dharmakirti; I also learned the Vajrayana practices of the Five Wisdom Kings.'' Tsongkhapa relied on Yamantaka for protection from difficulties in his life. Tsongkhapa encountered many disasters and difficulties, the most severe of which threatened to shorten his lifespan. Everyone should think about it. Tsongkhapa's dharma protector was Yamantaka Heruka, same as Grandmaster's.

Tsongkhapa's two most important works were the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and the Great Exposition of Secret Mantra. He also wrote a great many other works. Does anyone still remember who manifested to bless Grandmaster when you were listening to my discourse on the Great Exposition of Tantras? It was none other than Tsongkhapa who manifested to bless Grandmaster. When Tsongkhapa was studying the Kadam Buddhadharma, Atisa manifested to bless him at that time.

When I discoursed the Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Tsongkhapa and Manjusri manifested together to bless Grandmaster. This a fact and the absolute truth. Tsongkhapa said, ''Manjusri personally provided guidance and corrections for all my questions and difficulties. Lama Wumaba was also one of my most important gurus.'' Therefore, Tsongkhapa had three main gurus, Dondrup Rinchen, Rendawa Shonnu Lodro, and Lama Wumaba.

Tsongkhapa said, ''As a result of perfect mastery of Vajrayana and Sutrayana along with strict adherence to precepts enabled me to establish the Gelug Sect.'' The two words ''ge lug'' mean precepts. Tsongkhapa was finally able to see Manjusri and 35 buddhas with his own eyes. He was able to see all deities and reached supreme attainment.

Tsongkhapa emphasized renunciation, bodhicitta, the correct view of the Middle Way, and adherence to precepts. My final question to Tsongkhapa was, ''What is your most important message for us?'' Tsongkhapa replied, ''Abide by the precepts and cultivate diligently.'' Tsongkhapa said that True Buddha School disciples must abide by the precepts and cultivate diligently. I'm just giving everyone the gist of what he instructed. Tsongkhapa, Atisa, and Grandmaster are three manifestations of a single entity. All these three manifestations are Padmakumara and indivisibly one. This is a great secret.

Tsongkhapa's attainment was the buddha Lion's Roar Tathagata. He did not use karmamudra although he knew the mudra. He accomplished Buddhahood in the bardo. His epithet is Lion's Roar Tathagata and he is exceptionally precious.

I have written the Patriarch Tsongkhapa Sadhana. You can see the image of Patriarch Tsongkhapa in the back. He has both a long mantra and a short mantra. 'Om。ban-za。zong-ka-pa。ge-lu。so-ha.' One can also recite 'Om-ah-hum。ban-za。zong-ka-pa。ge-lu。so-ha.' His mudra is the Turning-the-Dharma-Wheel Mudra, which I will demonstrate for you (Grandmaster demonstrates the mudra.) Actually, it's not necessary to demonstrate the mudra because the mudra is shown in the image. The right hand is held outward while the left hand is held inward. This indicates turning the dharma wheel.

During the Guge Kingdom in Tibet, the king invited Atisa to turn the dharma wheel. Tsongkhapa turned the dharma wheel in Tibet, and Grandmaster is also turning the dharma wheel. The Padmakumara mudra shows one hand expounding the Dharma and one hand holding a lotus. (Grandmaster demonstrates with both hands held up to his chest.) This is also the Turning-the-Dharma-Wheel Mudra. The right hand is held outward and the left hand is held inward. This is the Turning-the-Dharma-Wheel Mudra. Is everyone able to get an idea of how important Tsongkhapa is?

Tsongkhapa learned the practices of Kalachakra, Guhyasamaja, Hevajra, Yamantaka, Mahottara, and Chakrasamvara. He learned all these practices and all of Highest Yoga Tantra. He also went into retreat. For Buddhadharma to exist forever, it must be supported by a number of great disciples. Tsongkhapa gave his Dharma throne, his Dharma robe, and his Dharma hat to his foremost disciple Gyaltsab Dharma Rinchen; his most important heart son was Khedrup. Who was Khedrup? It turned out that later the lineage of the Panchen Lama was passed on from Khedrup. Gyaltsab became the Ganden Tripa.

Tsongkhapa Sadhana, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Book 267, The Ray of Divine Light
Debut Transmission of Patriarch Tsongkhapa Practice

!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!

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