Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Homa Ceremony 3:00 pm Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014 at Rainbow Temple

【Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Images:】

Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Five Akasagarbha Bodhisattva

【Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Seed Syllable:】 Kang in sky blue

【Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Mudra:】

GM demo Akasagarbha mudra Akasagarbha mudra

The fingers of both hands are interlaced outwards. Place both index fingers upright with the tips touching each other to form an arc. The thumbs are then placed side by side against each other. Click here to see a video demo of the mudra.

【Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Mantra:】''Namo。ah-kyah-seh-keh-poh-yeh。Om。ah-lee。kya-mah-lee。mu-lee。soha'' Click here to hear GM chanting the mantra.

''The Wisdom Seed of Akasagarbha''
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I advise this type of disciple to cultivate the ''Wisdom Dharma of Akasagarbha.'' This practice will increase one's wisdom, improve one's memory, and when one reads or hears the Buddhist teachings, one will be able to easily retain and understand them, and never forget them.

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I was once approached by a person who prostrated on the ground for three days. He wanted me to transmit the Vajrayana teachings to him. I could see that his heart was sincere. However, he lacked wisdom and his facial features did not reflect high intelligence. His speech was rambling and disordered. However, feeling his sincerity I eventually took him in as my disciple.

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Strangely, after cultivating the Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Wisdom Seed Dharma Practice seven times, his face no longer had an unintelligent look. His eyes, which had once been dull, were now bright and shining. His previous foolish look had completely vanished and his countenance was now full of wisdom. Most strangely, his manner of speaking, which had been rambling and incoherent, was now clear and lucid. Especially his previous poor memory had become very strong. It was as if he had undergone a miraculous rebirth.

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To read the complete article above, click here.

Special thanks for Henry Wolf's fast translation and Jackie Ho's corresponding proofread of ''The Wisdom Seed of Akasagarbha.''

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