The Mahottara Heruka Homa Ceremony

The Mahottara Heruka Homa Ceremony - March 8, 2015, at 2:00 pm presided by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu, held at Liberty Square of Chiang Kai shek Memorial Hall (21, Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan)

【Mahottara Heruka Seed Syllable :】


【Mahottara Heruka Mantra: 】


Live Webcast Links:
The Web of Great Illusion Mantra Chanting Dedication:
Time: 2015.2.26(Thu) ~ 3.6(Fri) 7:00~10:00pm
Location: Chungkung Benevolent One ( No. 69 B1 Section 2, Chongqing N Rd, Datong District, Taipei, Taiwan)
Webcast Links: Chinese only, (PC) (Cell Phone)

The Mahottara Heruka Homa Ceremony for blessings, bardo deliverance, and the protection of this country from calamities.
Time: 2015.3.8(Sun) 10:00am
Location: Chiang Kai shek Memorial Hall (21, Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chinese Youtube Webcast Link:
English Webcast Links: (PC) (Cell Phone)

We very much appreciate that the Mahottara debut transmittal is going to be held in the Taiwan Chungkung Chapter. The extraordinary 15 feet tall 3-dimensional mandala will be built at Chiang Kai shek Memorial Hall.

As the organizer of this rare and first time ever dharma event, in addition to desiring to perfectly return to Living Buddha Lian-sheng's supreme and compassionate transmittal, Chungkung Chapter will build a brand new 15-foot tall and 3-dimensional Mahottara Heruka mandala with minimal consideration of the cost. This will make it so that one of the only four of the 3-dimensional Mahottara Heruka mandalas existing in the world will stand upright in this beautiful island and be in front of the people of Taiwan.

This secret and supreme uncommon dharma of Mahottara Heruka that had never been transmitted in a thousand years will be taught by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, the Chinese Dharma King; the one having widely saved the most sentient beings globally. This debut transmittal will be held in the Liberty Square of The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. We wish all fated sentient beings will not miss this superb dharma opportunity and are able to receive the empowerment, be liberated, and attain buddhahood.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng is also the only Chinese Dharma King who has transmitted the sadhanas of Kalachakra and Hevajra. In only a few days, he will transmit the supreme sadhana of Mahottara Heruka. Living Buddha Lian-sheng's true enlightenment and accomplishment of the deliverance of the sentient beings adds a most incredible and glorious page in today's Vajrayana history.

To express the sincere appreciation to Living Buddha Lian-sheng's precious bestowal of this priceless dharma transmittal to his disciples, Chungkung Chapter has organized many special activities during this ceremony period. Together, let us sincerely pray for the Buddha to continue to reside in this world and for the blessing of Taiwan's future, in addition to everyone's dedication to their own wishes including all the family members'.

Activity one: 2/26 - 3/6 7-day Mahottara Heruka Manta Chanting Dedication
Time: 7-10pm every night except 2/28 and 3/1
Location: Chungkung Benevolent One Health Land

The sadhana of Mahottara Heruka is the most incredible vajra dharma of Vajrayana. One must chant his mantra 100,000 times before practicing the yoga. The merit and the dharma benefits from merely chanting the mantra is already supreme and extraordinary. Therefore, to perfect the ceremony, we specially organized this 7-day Mahottara Heruka mantra chanting event prior to the ceremony. We welcome everyone's active participation and personal attendance to this ceremony.

Note: There was another homa activity during the period of 2/9 to 3/3.

!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!

2025真佛宗為世界祈福 「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。