Dec. 5, 2015 Buddha Locani Homa Ceremony

【TBSN Express】Dec. 5, 2015 Buddha Locani Homa Ceremony Series I –
HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Arrived at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple
Prior to the Ceremony

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Master Lianxin, the first benefactor of the True Buddha School, attained buddhahood directly
while standing atop the homa fire. This is called ''Attainment of Buddhahood in the Bardo State!''

H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng's prophecy has come true!
Rare and precious ''vajra sarira'' were found in the cremation remains of Master Lianxin!

【Reported by Master Shi Liandian in Nantou, Translated by TBTTs 】
On Dec. 5, H.H. Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu presided over the Buddha Locani Homa Ceremony at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple.

During merit dedication, following the homage to the Principal Deity, Buddha Locani, H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng paid special homage to Master Lianxin. H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng praised Master Lianxin for his majestic merits and for being the first benefactor of the True Buddha School. This honorable Master not only assisted in the construction of Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple, but also left no stone unturned in dharma propagation. During the fire puja, H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng distinctly saw Master Lianxin directly attain Buddhahood while standing atop the homa fire. Resembling an arhat seated on a lotus, his appearance displayed undeniable clarity and authenticity!

This is known as the ''Attainment of Buddhahood in the Bardo State,'' a ''second level'' path to Buddhahood that is extremely rare, commendable and valuable! H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng was very grateful to Master Lianxin for he was the glory of the True Buddha School and served as living proof of its teachings. Through ''being respectful of one's teachers,'' ''being protective and supportive of the dharma,'' and ''diligently practicing the dharma,'' ''vajra sarira'' as big as one's thumb appeared in today's cremation remains. The sarira appeared in a variety of colors, and some in the shape of flowers. It was extremely rare and valuable indeed.

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