Place: Yiru True Buddha Temple (一如雷藏寺) in Los Angeles, California
Date of Grand Master`s arrival: December 25, 2009
Date of homa ceremonial dharma assembly: December 26, 2009
Principal Deity of the homa ceremony dedicated to: Hevajra Deity
Empowerment bestowed: Hevajra Principal Deity Yoga
Approximate number of participating disciples: 700+
Other activity held at the venue:
book autographing session
Highlights of Grand Masters dharma lecture:
Chapter 9 of the book ``Emptiness in the Great Bliss`` in which the importance of Armor Protection practice is stressed. Armor Protection allows the aspirant to shield himself/herself against negative psychic energy. The Armor Protection can also be empowered on the clothing you wear by chanting the Hevajra heart mantra and visualizing the image of Hevajra adheres to the clothing such that it would become the clothing worn by Hevajra, and thereby shields off all psychic attacks.
To protect your house or place of dwelling: take some ash remained in the hearth of a (Hevajra) homa ceremony and pour it in 4 corners of your house while chanting Hevajra heart mantra and visualizing Hevajra Deity radiating immaculate light in the 4 corners; this would armor-protect your entire house.
To protect yourself before going to bed: (1) use your middle finger to flick from the thumb the Great Compassion Dharani water in all 4 corners of your bed, or,(2) use your middle finger to flick (bright blue plasma-like sacred fluid by visualization) from the thumb in all 4 corners of your bed while chanting Armor Protection mantra or Great Compassion Dharani mantra (preferably 21 times). These methods can guard you from psychic energy theft during sleep.
To protect an entire nation: take ash left from a Mayuri Vidyarajni (The Luminous King of Peacock) homa ceremony and pour it in the 4 most remote corners of a country can serve to armor-protect a nation as a whole.