Grandmaster's ''Vajra Body''

With a strong and muscular physique, Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu demonstrated to live audiences
the results of spiritual cultivation. The entire audience was in awe on witnessing H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng's strong, sturdy ''vajra body!''

【Reported by Master Shi Liandian in Nantou, Translated by Lynn Ang, Translation Accuracy edited by DJ Chang, English Proficiency edited by Shelley Higgins】

On January 16, Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu of the ''True Buddha School'' presided over the Amoghapasa Homa Ceremony at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple. HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng bestowed the empowerment of the ''Amoghapasa Uncommon Practice,'' ''Light Mantra,'' ''Amoghapasa Muni Offering Mantra (Non-empty Immense Offering Mantra),'' followed by the teaching of the ''Nine Stage Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen).''

During today's dharma discourse, the extremely spectacular event shown to all True Buddha School disciples was the demonstration of the Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu's ''vajra body!'' His Holiness showcased his solid physique to live audiences during the ceremony. He reminded attendees that his ''vajra body'' is the result of years of self-cultivation of mind and body. This awe-inspiring outcome is proof that cultivation is the essential learning platform to achieve a vajra body and that he is living proof of such accomplishments from cultivation.

Grandmaster Lu mentioned that this week, disciples have spoken online about ''Grandmaster's health condition,'' ''whether disciples should make meal offerings,'' … and other related topics.

First, Grandmaster expressed to everyone that today he wished to talk to everyone ''heart to heart'' ….
He mentioned that he would visit the hospital semi-annually to get a general health examination. As reported by his family doctor, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu's body is very healthy indeed!
Grandmaster's eyesight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, liver and kidney functions … are normal! They are all in tip-top condition!

Grandmaster performs cultivation daily. As soon as he wakes up, he performs the ''Golden Mother Seven Practices,'' such as the ''Eye Movement'' exercise, the ''Clicking Teeth 36 times'' exercise, ''Eardrum Clarity'' exercise &hellip. Additionally, Grandmaster also performs the ''Nine-cycle Breathing Meditation'' and ''visualization'' besides writing articles and doing 200 push-ups.
Furthermore, in the evening after taking a shower he performs these cultivations: the ''Removal of Cancerous Lesions or Lumps'' dharma, ''Heart Message'' dharma, ''Stroking the Solar Plexus Chakra'' dharma, and ''Strengthening the Kidneys'' dharma &hellip:.
Apart from these, he performs the ''Samadhi meditation,'' the ''Sword Tempering Method'' and the ''Non-leakage Practice'' as well as exercising daily in the afternoon for two hours. These practices demonstrate Grandmaster Lu's perseverance and diligence in cultivation. Therefore at the age of 40, HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu (Grandmaster) successfully accomplished the cultivation of Non-leakage in Primordial Essence!

Nowadays many people seek a ''two-day weekend'' while compared to Grandmaster Lu who practices diligence and consistency every day, this ''two-day weekend'' concept is virtually ineffective!
As the saying goes, ''Laozi is happy.'' Similarly, Grandmaster Lu feels happy about his diligence and consistency in practicing dharma cultivation daily, and not one day goes by without it.

Moreover, on the issue of meal offerings, Grandmaster Lu replied: I actually really enjoy being close to disciples, interacting with them, and allowing disciples to request dharma teachings. Hence, disciples are welcome to make meal offerings to me!

To show how daily cultivation has finally resulted in achieving the ''vajra body,'' in front of live audiences, Grandmaster Lu removed his robes and humbly demonstrated his strong, muscular ''vajra body.'' In so doing, his ''vajra body'' provides honest authentic living proof of the teachings about the importance of cultivation!
All disciples were awestruck on witnessing this ….

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