''Be With Buddha'' Series, May 21st, 2016

May 21, 2016, Special coverage on the ''Be with Buddha'' series

【Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple News, Translated by DJ Chang, Edited by Shelley Higgins】
During lunch, Master Lianhe raised a question about the content of a book he had read some time ago. It says, Venerable Ananda once asked the Buddha if most of the cultivation merit of a Vajrayana practitioner originates from the practitioner's root guru. The Buddha replied, ''No, it is not mostly, it is all!'' Grandmaster nodded his head and answered, ''Yes, Vajrayana scriptures indeed state that.'' This conversation left an impression and made us realize that the Vajrayana blessing is special and completely depends on the root guru. Shakyamuni's worldly cultivation and attainment also relied on his root guru.

Grandmaster mentioned that, during the Buddha's era, when high level Arhats demonstrated their supernatural power, they could manifest either ''water and fire together; or fire coming out of lower body with water pouring out of upper body; or vice versa,'' which is called the ''Dual Transformation.'' This supernatural phenomena is resulted from the fastest mind transformation at the Desire Realm. Grandmaster mentioned that his three most important books for cultivation are, ''Pith Teachings to Samadhi (Book 249),'' ''Dharma Path to Ultimate Attainment (Book 252),'' and ''The Supreme Enlightenment (temporary translated name for Book 254).'' These three books contain the essential cultivation formula and are the most precious must-read books.

After lunch, seeing two Indian visitors, Grandmaster conversed with them cordially in English. They requested his blessing immediately after they learned that he was the Grandmaster. Grandmaster granted their wish right away. And on the completion of the blessing ritual, Grandmaster paid his respect to the buddhas and bodhisattvas on the temple shrine by fully prostrating; one, two, three, four, …, ten, eleven, …, nineteen, …wow, twenty times! Nether was Grandmaster's face red nor was he panting at the end of the prostrations. While walking down the front stairs of the temple, with sincere happy ''man'' tears, the crying laughing Master Lianyin said, ''Seeing that Grandmaster's health has returned makes me really happy; I cannot help but cry.'' As it turns out, when one is extremely happy, one can shed sincere tears. The surrounding disciples were very touched and also happily tearful.

Many disciples are still visiting from out of town to dine with Grandmaster and listen to him close up even though he has not participated in any group practices or homa because he is still recuperating. After this ''manifestation of illness,'' all disciples have somewhat grown up and learned to cherish Grandmaster even more. Everyone is doing their best to not burden Grandmaster and provide him with an easy-going relaxed atmosphere. After all, in between heaven and earth, nothing can benefit sentient beings more than having a buddha stay in the world. Over and over again, we, disciples, implore Grandmaster to please ''be healthy and stay in the world!!''

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