Lotus Pond Realm

On May 29, 2016 Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng and Shimu Master Lianxiang Happily Dined Together with Rainbow Temple Disciples

【Reported by Master Lianyou in Seattle, Translated by Henry Wolf, Edited by DJ Chang】
TBS Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu conducted the first ever Vajrapani Bodhisattva Homa at Rainbow Temple

Rainbow Temple is located in North Bend, WA. On May 29, 2016, after a whole week of overcast skies and continuous rainfall, the clouds finally cleared up, making the sky bright and beautiful. Around Rainbow Temple were fresh flowers of all colors, red peonies vying in beauty and glamor, and birds contending in cheerful song. It seemed that all living beings knew that today a great adept, the Supreme Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng would soon be arriving.

Rainbow Villa, having been quiet for over six months, since early this morning had been welcoming disciples from all over the world as they gathered here to await the arrival of the Root Guru. When Grandmaster arrived in the main hall of Rainbow Villa the disciples all kneeled to welcome him. Although all kinds of emotions welled up Shimu's heart, she also had feelings of close kinship and familiarity.

With strength and good health Grandmaster prostrated at the main shrine of Rainbow Temple and at the shrine of the Vajra Protectors. Although it's only been two weeks since Grandmaster returned from his work of spreading the dharma in Taiwan, it's difficult to tell that he has been seriously ill.

During the lunch which had been thoughtfully prepared for him by disciples, Grandmaster said that through his recent illness he came to realize that one can only ensure one's rebirth in the pure land by understanding the ''empty nature'' and firmly maintaining the light of one's mind. Because of this recent bout of sickness Grandmaster understands the suffering patients' experience. If not for the teachings of Buddhism, the suffering of illness could lead one to commit suicide. When one is sick one has only two desires. The first is to maintain the ''light of mind'' so that one can be reborn in the pure land. The other is that one's illness will be cured. Wealth, affection, one's wife, one's children, and everything else is no longer important.

Grandmaster emphasized again that disciples should rely on the following three very important books for their cultivation: Pith Teachings to Samadhi (Book 249); Dharma Path to Ultimate Attainment(Book 252); and The Supreme Enlightenment (temporary translated name for Book 254).

Grandmaster also mentioned that while he was in the hospital Shimu suffered from physical exhaustion and needed an injection to protect her liver. Unexpectedly, the shots she was given caused her heart rate to abruptly jump to higher than 100 beats a minute. She asked for Grandmaster's help while Grandmaster was lying in the bed adjacent to her. Although Grandmaster had taken nine kinds of antibiotics, with the last one called ''Tiger'' being the strongest antibiotic, and his physical condition was very weak, he still extended his shaking hand to bless Shimu. As a result, Shimu's pulse rate immediately returned to normal.

After Shimu returned to Seattle from Taiwan she was only able to get an hour or two of sleep at night. Although Grandmaster had only just recovered from his own serious illness he still gave Shimu a blessing and formed a protection boundary around the entire room. After receiving Grandmaster's blessing, Shimu was able to sleep six or seven hours a night.

Even though bedridden and suffering from sickness, a true great adept still has his buddha-nature and his dharma power. His bodhicitta is still there and he can still save sentient beings with great compassion.
Concerning the construction of a columbarium at Rainbow Temple which everyone has been wondering about, thanks to the hard work and guidance of Shimu a legal permit for the construction has finally been issued. The application for the permit alone has already cost $200-$300,000. Grandmaster has given the columbarium the name ''Lotus Pond Realm.'' This Lotus Pond Realm will be established on great spiritual land surrounded by auspicious mountains transformed and protected by Seven Stars. The columbarium will be a beautiful two-story building with 14,000 niches. Pre-registration is now underway. In the future, everyone can be here together with Grandmaster and Shimu again.

Although they only had a short time together with Grandmaster and Shimu, disciples felt a sense of happiness and great enjoyment. After lunch, disciples offered fresh flowers to show their appreciation and how much they missed Grandmaster. May Grandmaster be healthy, enjoy long life, and be auspicious!!!

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