True Buddha School Online University – Basic Course in True Buddha Tantric Dharma

Edu-Acad #20230055
Great News! True Buddha School (TBS) Online University is offering a basic course in True Buddha Tantric Dharma. To make the course accessible to worldwide disciples, Indonesian and English language translation will be provided.

The 4th Course of the True Buddha School Online University Offering True Buddha Tantric Dharma Level 1 Will be Launched on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023‼️

This course is an introduction to the True Buddha Tantric Dharma based on the teachings of Living Buddha Lian-sheng. Students will be provided a detailed explanation of various sadhanas of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma, with emphasis on the meaning and key cultivation formula of each step in the practice. The course will concentrate on the essential practices of Vajrayana cultivation including mantra recitation, mudras, visualization, and entering Samadhi. Students will also learn how to set up an altar, how to use various Dharma implements, and other practical information. The coursework is designed to be detailed but also broad in scope.

This level-1 class is fundamental, straightforward, and easy to understand. The coursework is oriented toward disciples who have recently taken refuge, but disciples seeking to strengthen their foundation in Vajrayana practice and obtain a more in-depth understanding of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma will also find it invaluable. Dharma propagation personnel who are attending the course are encouraged to invite disciples from their cultivation venues to attend the course along with them.

Course times are as follows:
Taiwan: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8PM
Seattle: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 4AM
Indonesia: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 7PM
Europe: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 1PM
Brazil: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 9AM

Instructor: Master Shi Lianyi(蓮一)
Location: Cloud Classroom
Classroom Channels:
1. Zoom:
ZOOM ID: 838 8639 7505
Password: 777
2. YouTube:
3. Facebook:
*Out of respect for the law of each individual country, please follow the relevant laws of your country when utilizing the event link.

OBS: English and Indonesian language translation will be provided in order to overcome language barriers and facilitate learning for fellow disciples all over the world.

For questions, please contact TBS Online University counselor, Dharma Assistant Mei Er (telegram: muingo 77 or line: muingo77)

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
Education Department

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Lynn Ang
Editor: Henry Wolf and DJ Chang

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