True Buddha Foundation Supervisory Commission Department - Ombudsman Notice 0001

True Buddha Foundation Supervisory Commission Department - Ombudsman Notice 0001

Subject matter: Official Launch of TBF Supervisory Commission Department Investigation System

True Buddha School (TBS) cultivation venues and dharma propagation personnel can be found in all corners of the world. To fully implement the spirit of the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) by-laws, eight outstanding acharyas have been carefully selected to support the current members of the TBF Supervisory Commission in carrying out their responsibilities. These eight newly appointed acharyas will help the Supervisory Commission meet its responsibility to provide rewards and impose discipline.

They will educate and guide all levels of TBS disciples in following the Four Immeasurable Vows, strict observance of Buddhist precepts, propagating Buddhadharma, and following all other teachings of root lineage guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng. Working in close conjunction with Supervisory Commission members, the group of eight specially selected TBS acharyas will act as ombudsmen prior to the initiation of formal investigation by the Supervisory Commission.

Following is the name list of 2018 Supervisory Commission ombudsmen:
Master Shi Lianseng (釋蓮僧上師, Director of Supervisory Commission Department)
Master Shi Lianzhu (蓮主上師, Supervisory Commission member and ombudsman )
Master Shi Lianou (釋蓮歐上師, Supervisory Commission member and ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianjiu (釋蓮舅上師, Supervisory Commission member and ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianman (釋蓮滿上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianchuan (釋蓮傳上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianqi (釋蓮祈上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianfei (釋蓮飛上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianwei (釋蓮衛上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianfeng (釋蓮風上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianqing (釋蓮晴上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)
Master Shi Lianjin (釋蓮妗上師, Supervisory Commission ombudsman)

※The term of service of an ombudsman is three years. Changes in the term of TBF Supervisory Committee members will not affect the term of appointment of ombudsmen.

Mandate of the Ombudsman
Consistent with the rewards policy for outstanding dharma propagation personnel and cultivation venues, an ombudsman may proactively investigate and recommend appropriate rewards to TBF.
When issues are brought forth, visit the venue and individuals concerned. In particular, detect and correct any mistakes in practice or deviation in conduct at an early stage.
TBS disciples or cultivation venues may report any type of disciplinary case to an ombudsman.
In relation to alleged disciplinary cases, the ombudsman shall follow the rules and responsibilities governing an ombudsman in the investigation and collection of evidence from individuals or cultivation venues connected to the case under investigation. Any person or venue alleged to have deviated must unconditionally cooperate with investigation proceedings.
Assist The TBF Dharma Activities Department in the review and investigation of the identity, conduct, and moral history of any applicant for ordination and promotion.
Supervise and correct disciplined cultivation venues or dharma propagation personnel in a timely fashion.
Coordinate with the TBF Public Relations Department to provide timely support for disciplined cultivation venues or dharma propagation personnel.
Per the ''TBF Supervisory Commission Department Brief Introduction and Regulations'' and the ''Responsibilities of Ombudsman'', which have been reviewed by the TBF Core Committee, the TBF Supervisory Commission Department ombudsman service and investigation system is hereby launched and executed on the day of this notice.

Sep. 26, 2018

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。