Grand Renyin Year Amitabha Buddha Calamity Eradication, Blessing, and Bardo Deliverance by Thousands

Grand Renyin Year Amitabha Buddha Calamity Eradication, Blessing, and Bardo Deliverance by Thousands of Dharma Vessels Ceremony

Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple (LSCTT) has respectfully invited Root Lineage Guru HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng to preside over the Grand Renyin Year Amitabha Buddha Calamity Eradication, Blessing, and Bardo Deliverance by Thousands of Dharma Vessels Ceremony.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng will compassionately bestow empowerment for Amitabha Buddha Principal Deity Practice, Jade Pond Golden Mother Principal Deity Practice, and Ksitigarbha Principal Deity Practice.
Date: Sat., Aug. 20, 2022, 3:00 PM
Location: Rainbow Temple

Registration for the ceremony is currently underway. For registration details, see Note 2 below.
The registration fee is voluntary. If registering by mail, please forward your registration form to:
Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple.
17012 NE 40th Ct., Redmond WA 98052 U.S.A.
Tel: (425) 882-0916
Fax: (425) 883-7360


  1. Primary Supplicant Program
    1. Participants who register as Primary Supplicants by sponsoring US$500 or more will receive a Dharma boat and a deliverance command flag
      Participants may sponsor via cash, traveler’s checks, personal checks, money order, Paypal, credit card, credit card payment authorization form, and wire transfer. The payee of a check or money order is Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple (LSCTT).
      One may register on-site at Rainbow Temple or at Seattle LSCTT. One may also email the registration form and the record of remittance to
      The registration form can be downloaded at this link:

  2. All other registration forms and types of sponsorship
    1. Website:
      2. Online Registration (including registration as primary supplicant): Email the completed registration form and record of remittance to ZhuQi@tbsseattle.orgby Aug. 18 so that staff can print the emailed forms out on time. After Aug. 18, please register on-site at Rainbow Temple or at Seattle LSCTT.

Everyone is welcome to register and enthusiastically attend the ceremony. Participants will bathe in the buddha's brilliant light and ancestors will be delivered to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The living and the deceased will benefit, one’s entire family will be peaceful and healthy, everything will be auspicious, and all wishes will be fulfilled.

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。