Aug. 21, 2022 Golden Mother Homa Ceremony Empowerment

Great News!! During the Grand Fall Golden Mother Homa Ceremony at the Rainbow Temple, HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng will bestow empowerment for the following practices:

Jade Pond Golden Mother Principle Deity Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Eight Great Practices
Jade Pond Golden Mother Nine-turn Metaphysical Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Bringing in Fortune Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Champion Star Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Water Offering Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Instant Wealth Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Substitution Practice
Jade Pond Golden Mother Wrathful Tiger Head Vajra Practice
Dark-faced Golden Mother Uncommon Practice
Golden-faced Golden Mother Uncommon Practice
Transforming Golden Mother Uncommon Practice

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