Rainbow Temple Announcement, February 14, 2021

Out of safety concerns related to continuing heavy snow in the Seattle area, Rainbow Temple has announced the suspension of the Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony scheduled for February 14, 2021.

The rituals of Praying for Guru Buddha to Stay in the World and Thousand-armed Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara Dharma Transmission Request originally to be performed on February 14th at the Amitayus Homa Ceremony will be postponed to February 20th (Saturday) at Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple.

On Sunday, February 21, HH Grandmaster will preside over an Amitayus Buddha and the Spring Blessing Homa Ceremony of Thousand-armed Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara. The registration forms for the Amitayus and the Spring Ceremony will be blessed together.

Best Regards,
Rainbow Temple Board of Directors
Feb. 14, 2021

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