True Buddha School Online University Announcement Regarding the Fifth Course, the Etiquette of Life

True Buddha School Online University Announcement Regarding the Fifth Course, the Etiquette of Life


Dear students-wishing you everything auspicious!
Etiquette of Life, the fifth course of the True Buddha School Online University, will be concluded on the following dates. There will be a final exam and closing ceremony. All students are welcome to take the exam and participate in the graduation celebration. Thank you.

Dates (Taiwan time):
December 10, 2024: Assignment deadline
December 13, 2024: Rebirth in the Intermediate State and Six Realms of Samsara (last lesson)
December 20, 2024, 8:00 PM: Online final exam
December 27, 2024, 8:00 PM: Closing ceremony

Etiquette of Life final exam requirements:

  1. Six chapter-reflection assignments (must submit)
  2. One final assignment (5-minute video, must submit)
    (Students must submit all assignments to True Buddha School Online University by the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.)

True Buddha Foundation, Education Department
November 15, 2024

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。