【The Fifth Course of True Buddha School Online University, Lesson 3, How Can the Deceased’s Realm of Re-birth Be Determined? of Chapter 6, Concerning Funerals】
Course Outline:
"What auspicious signs and various phenomena appear at the time of death?
How does Living Buddha Lian-sheng determine the deceased’s realm of re-birth from the deceased’s physical appearance?
How can the deceased’s realm of re-birth be determined?
Sentient beings have long been subject to material desires. At the time of death, how does one maintain right mindfulness for rebirth in the Pure Land?
Stay tuned for a detailed explanation by Instructor Wu Zizai!
Classroom Channels:
1. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83886397505?pwd=RlpDK3lERk5KbzB1VDEyUlRaYmZiUT09
Zoom Id: 838 8639 7505
Password: 777
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2. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVERMeALCDV6OFdK5wbC-YQ
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3. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syltbsn
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Organizer: True Buddha School Online University