A True Buddha School Master May Hold a Tiger Head Vajra Ceremony

【True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Notice】

TBF-DA Dharma Propagation Notice No. 1

A True Buddha School (TBS) master may hold a Tiger Head Vajra ceremony and bestow empowerment for reciting the Tiger Head Vajra mantra on behalf of Grandmaster.

On Feb. 13, 2020, at the Seattle True Buddha Foundation (TBF) office, Root Lineage Guru Dharma King Lian-sheng compassionately provided the following instruction:
A TBS master may hold a Tiger Head Vajra ceremony and bestow empowerment for chanting the mantra on behalf of Grandmaster.
Practice must be personally bestowed by Root Guru Dharma King Lian-sheng.
One may also contact TBF by mail to request Grandmaster's remote empowerment for reciting the Tiger Head Vajra Mantra.
Note: Qualifications of TBS masters to hold a ceremony and bestow empowerment:
Personally received empowerment for the practice from Grandmaster.
Cultivated the practice at least 108 times.
Recited the deity's mantra at least 100,000 times or a designated number of times.
Ideally, has attained spiritual union with the deity.
Masters shall not transmit a practice until at least six months after the Root Guru's public transmission of the practice.
Tiger Head Vajra is listed as an Uncommon Dharma Protector Practice in the Regulations for Masters section of the True Buddha Foundation Bylaws.

Tiger Head Vajra Mantra:
''Om, jing-mu, sid-dhi, hum, hum, pei.''

One must receive the empowerment prior to reciting the Tiger Head Vajra mantra.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
February 14, 2020.

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