Tenzin Rinpoche

On Jun. 21, 2014, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu recognized a 12 year old disciple
from Chicago, Pan Lisheng, as the reincarnation of Tenzin Rinpoche from Tibet.

【Seattle News/Master Lianjie】
Since a young age, this young dharma brother Pan Lisheng of ''Ling Sheng Ching Tze Temple Chicago Chapter'' has had a passion for Buddhism and has studied all kinds of Buddhist sutras, repentance sadhanas, and dharma instruments including bells and drums. He won first place in a violin competition held between multiple schools and placed second in swimming. We may well say that he is not only excellent in both studies and behavior at school, but also gifted in many ways.

Grand Master Living Buddha Lian-sheng pointed out: Young dharma brother Pan was a Tibetan Rinpoche, a Living Buddha, in his previous life. His name was ''Tenzin'' and the name of his temple was ''Xi Jie Monastery.'' There is actually a temple called ''Se Jie Monastery'' in Tibet (which is pronounced ''Xi Jie'' Monastery in Tibetan.) This temple is in an area of Tibet called Rikaze.

This year, he took the opportunity along with all the disciples of his chapter to visit the mother temple in Seattle. He specially planned to stay in Seattle for a period of time so he could be close to and learn Buddhist practices from Root Guru Master.

On June 7, at Rainbow Temple, Grand Master Lian-sheng personally bestowed dharma brother Pan Lisheng the dharma name: Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche.

Grand Master hopes that in the future Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche will not only study a regular curriculum at his school, but will also diligently study sutras, mantras, and Vajrayana sadhanas, quickly attain accomplishment, promote the True Buddha dharma and carry out the great undertaking of the Tathagata.

We sincerely wish that Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche will perfect his merits and attainment, and widely save countless sentient beings.

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