Grand Master Lu`s Dharma talk (summary) after Saturday Group Practice


Virtuous and knowledgeable friend,

Maha Prajna Paramita,

The most honored, most supreme, most preeminent,

Does not abide, does not go or come,

Buddhas of the three ages emerge from within.

In other words, we can say that in our intrinsic nature there is limitless wisdom. Maha Prajna Paramita is originally fully present within our intrinsic nature. We need not seek it outside. It does not abide anywhere, nor does it ever come or go. The Prajna wisdom of our intrinsic nature is attached to nothing. All Buddhas of three ages, the past, present and future, rise from Maha Prajna Paramita ?the highest, most supreme, and the most profound.

The 2 key points here are:

1. When one attains enlightenment, nothing is imperfect.

2. Maha Prajna Paramita is not just talks about emptiness.

Buddha Shakyamuni𠏋 enlightenment ?Maha Prajna Paramita, under the Bodhi tree is the most precious, profound and supreme.

The Six Paramitas:

1. Tolerance Paramita applies to one𠏋 forbearance and endurance. It is the most difficult to attain. You are able to attain the Tolerance Paramita only because you have awakened. Enlightenment allows you to reach such accomplishment.

2. Diligence Paramita. As long as you keep putting Buddha𠏋 teachings to practice, you would reach such accomplishment.

3. Generosity Paramita can be achieved if you persist in contributing your time, money and energy to help others.

4. Wisdom Paramita. If the practitioner diligently studies the Buddha dharma, he would develop the limitless wisdom.

5. Precept Paramita. You must not violate your vows.

6. Meditation Paramita. From maintaining your vows, you can reach one mind, thus entering the state meditation. From a meditative state, you shall develop wisdom.

Translated by: TBTT
Summarized and Proofread by Pin Ting and Lina Huang, Edited by Morgan Chiu

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