Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Discourse on Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Uncommon Practice at Rainbow Temple on Sep. 9, 2023
(This translation only includes content pertaining to the debut transmission of Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Uncommon Practice)
The True Buddha School Originated the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Uncommon Practice
Today, I am transmitting the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. (Audience applause.) I began studying Buddhism at age 26. Now, I am 79. For all these years and right up to the present day, I have never heard of anyone transmitting the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. It’s strange. Noble Guanyin has this practice, so why has it never been transmitted? I have never heard of anyone transmitting it! Perhaps someone has, but I just never heard about it. Has anyone here ever heard of the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice? Is there anyone here who has received empowerment for the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice? (Audience reply, “No!”) The original transmission of this practice will be through the True Buddha School! It is therefore an uncommon practice. It is called “uncommon” because it is something completely different from what anyone has done before.
Greed, Hatred, and Ignorance Are Buddhadharma
Worldly People Are Greedy for Wealth, Fame and Form
In Vajrayana, Cultivation Begins With the Path of Greed
As you all know, when we begin studying Buddhism, most Sutrayana teachings emphasize using precepts, meditation, and wisdom to counteract greed, anger, and ignorance. Isn’t this so? Vajrayana, however, is different. For example, it is said in the Vimalakirti Sutra: “Greed, anger, and ignorance are also Buddhadharma.” Let me ask you a question, “Is there anyone here who is not in the slightest bit greedy? Who can say they are not greedy, not even slightly? If there is anyone here who is totally without greed, raise your hand.” No one has raised their hand.
There are actually three kinds of greed: greed for wealth, greed for form, and greed for fame —one cultivates from greed. As for worldly humans, there are those greedy for wealth, for form, and for fame. In Vajrayana, there is so-called “cultivating from the path of greed," that is, one begins one’s cultivation from the starting point of one’s own greed. Some people say “I am not greedy! I have no desire to be the world’s richest person. I am not greedy for anything.” There is this kind of person, but this kind of person is called an “idiot." In this entire world, where is any person who is not greedy?
Where There Is Desire, There Is Greed
Some people say “I have cultivated to the point where I have no greed. Attaining Buddhahood is my sole ambition.” But I’m here to tell you, your ambition to attain Buddhahood is also greed. Ok. Then, I’m not going to attain Buddhahood. Instead, I will just become a bodhisattva for the sake of sentient beings! However, your “for the sake of sentient beings'' is also greed, so is desiring to become a bodhisattva. If that is the case, forget about for the sake of sentient beings, I will just be an Arhat. That wanting to become an Arhat is also greedy. One desires to go to heaven, not hell. One’s desire to go to heaven is also greed. Why doesn't one desire to go to hell? It's not good to go to hell, so one doesn’t desire to go there. One prefers to go to heaven. The mindset of desiring to go to heaven is also greed. Why is one greedy to go to heaven? In heaven, one does not experience the suffering of hell. Greed for the pleasures and enjoyments of heaven is still greed.
There is only one kind of person on earth who is not greedy: an “idiot." Why is an “idiot” not greedy? Emptiness! His mind is totally empty. What is emptiness? In Taiwanese, we say, “Kongkong, hanhan” (meaning idiot, stupid). Being empty and total nothingness. The state of emptiness and the state of being an “idiot” are more or less the same state. Those locked up in mental hospitals are “kongkong.”
The Mudra of Noble Guanyin Interlace fingers inwardly
The Thumb of the Right Hand Points Straight up
The Number One Mudra on Earth All Wealth Deities Must Obey Her Commands
Guanyin and Noble Guanyin have expressed their compassion for sentient beings by providing the “number one” wealth practice. Today, I will discuss the main points of the practice. In the future, this discourse can be made into a sadhana for cultivation.
The key point is the mudra of Noble Guanyin. Her hands form “number one." Her mudra is formed like this: Interlace fingers inwardly. The thumb of the right hand points straight up. When one forms the mudra of Noble Guanyin, all Fortune Deities must obey one’s commands. As you can see, the shape of the mudra Noble Guanyin forms is “number one in the world”-everyone can understand this “number one in the world” mudra.
Guanyin Bodhisattva is compassionate towards sentient beings of the six realms and renders help to them. Greed for fame—In Vajrayana, one who seeks great fame can perform the Kurukulle Great Love and Respect Practice. One can obtain great fame by performing either the Kurukulla or Ragaraja Practice.
During Qin And Han, Desire Was Reduced Through Firm Ching And Qi
Wei And Jin Dynasties Indulge In Desire And Stop Jing
Etiquette Was Emphasized During The Song, Yuan, Ming, And Qing Dynasties
Respect The Laws Of Nature And Overwhelm Human Desires
Greed for form: In Vajrayana, there is the so-called “Form Practice." In the course of 5,000 years of Chinese culture, besides Vajrayana, even Taoism had a “Practice of Greed for Form." After the Chou Dynasty, because the teachings of Laozi were “reducing desire and having firm ching and qi," people cultivated this way in the Qin and Han Dynasties. However, during the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, many Taoist alchemists taught differently; one should indulge in desire without letting go of ching, that is, only letting qi flow outward, not ejaculation. This is the form. During the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the emphasis was placed on Wang Yangming’s teachings on “honoring the principle of Heaven by eliminating desire," which meant total eradication of desire.
But the two dynasties were different. During the first era, the Qin and Han era, teachings of Laozi were prevalent. The thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi is that the fewer desires, the better. One should firm up and tightly control qing and qi, and this is longevity. Lately, there has been a TV program called “A Long and Happy Life." This is actually a regimen, which involves fewer desires and strengthening qing and qi. These are the teachings and principles of Laozi. During the era of the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties, many Taoist alchemists emphasized indulging in desire, but refraining from leaking qing and qi. This is a grafting technique.
What is a grafting technique? Nowadays, great emphasis is placed on grafting techniques, such as grafting "pineapples" and "sugar apples" together, resulting in a sugar apple with the taste of pineapple inside; grafting "guavas" with "watermelons" makes the guava as big as a watermelon, and this is the process of grafting. You graft it, strengthen it, and then expand it.
In the future, maybe they will research a method to graft the rice we eat. We, Easterners, eat rice, while Westerners eat wheat. Grafting rice with watermelon turns one rice grain into the size of a watermelon. Everyone then only needs to eat one grain of rice a day to feel full. This is called "grafting technique."
Upon Attaining Spiritual Union with the Personal Deity in the consort practice of Tibetan Buddhism,
Practitioners Receive Infinite Bliss, Clear Light Radiance, and Buddha-nature
The grafting technique is somewhat similar to the consort practice of Tibetan Buddhism. It belongs to the “cultivation via greed path."
The first greed is the greed for wealth. Today we will discuss cultivation via wealth-greed; then cultivation via form-greed, the so-called “consort practice” of Tibetan Buddhism." Cultivation via fame-greed is Kurukulle Buddha Mother Practice and Ragaraja Practice.
The consort practice is a form practice, but today we are not discussing form practices. Chinese Taoism does, in fact, have the grafting practice. When combined, the two practices become extremely powerful. It is the same in Tibetan Vajrayana! If these two practices are performed in combination, they become powerful. The practitioners are able to see light, see the personal deity, enter into spiritual union with the personal deity, attain fruition, and transform into light. One’s entire body, including one’s qi, channels, and drops, will all open and radiate light. One will attain infinite bliss, followed by infinite, boundless light. The infinite Buddha-nature will be revealed and practitioners merge. This attainment is the so-called “Consort Practice” of Vajrayana. The practice will be discussed in detail in the future.
Sheng-yen Lu Foundation
Grandmaster Lu Bestows Alms on All Sentient Beings
I have only briefly introduced the consort practice because today I’m transmitting Noble Guanyin, which is a money-greed practice. Why is Grandmaster not considered greedy? Because, except for buying gas for my car, I don’t use the money I receive for private purposes nor do I buy anything with it. I give the money to the Sheng-yen Lu Foundation. I don’t buy a single thing. I don’t spend or waste any money whatsoever. In the future, I will donate everything I own, including the things on my body. Everything will be given in alms. So, is Grandmaster not the number one richest person in the world? (Audience reply, “Yes!”) Yes, I am!
My car, a Rolls Royce, happens to be broken and has been in the shop the last few days. I drive the most luxurious Rolls Royce and the most high-end Maserati sports car. Everything I wear is top-notch. These things were all given to me by disciples. My two cars, the Rolls Royce and the Maserati, were given to me by Hanifa, as I have mentioned many times. When you see my cars, don’t think I am luxurious! No! I didn’t buy these things. They were given to me as gifts.
As for the various things I wear, these are rubellites (Grandmaster lifts up a necklace made of rubellites). The entire strand is red, these are all rubellites. How much are these rubellites worth altogether? $1 million US dollars. A strand of rubellites like this is quite rare. I’m wearing a million dollars on my body! Now that I’ve mentioned them, I’ll have to put them where they won’t get stolen. Not to mention other things, this watch is a “3P” watch. AP, Piaget, and Patek Philippe make “3P” watches. They are the most high-end brands in the entire world. Among these three, my watch is Piaget.
Including me, this famous person, who drives a nice car and lives well, right? I eat well and it’s all good for me, so am I not the world's richest person? If I was poor today, a poor monk preaching the Wealthiest-Person Practice to everyone, would you believe it? It would be strange if you did! This truly is “It would be strange if I am a pig." There is a joke that goes like this: Someone said, "You are a pig." He responded, "It would be strange if I am a pig!" His nickname then became "Strange if I am a pig." One day, unable to bear it any longer, he spoke out. He wanted to tell everyone, and the first thing he said was, "I am definitely not ‘strange if I am a pig’." His statement of "I am definitely not strange if I am a pig" in fact still confirms him as a pig! This is a joke.
Attain Spiritual Union with Noble Guanyin’s Bodhicitta
One Becomes the World’s Wealthiest Person
Grandmaster is not the world’s richest person, but the richest in heaven (everyone applauds). There are two meanings to cultivating the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. The first meaning is that you will obtain the greatest riches in heaven, that is, you attain Buddhahood or become a bodhisattva. This is the greatest riches. By cultivating this dharma, you will become the richest person on earth; in the brief span of a human lifetime in the saha world, you will become the world’s richest person.
Those who didn’t attend today but have registered as primary supplicants are excluded. Those registered but couldn’t make it because the plane ticket was too expensive, or because of the cost of meals and lodging, as long as they have registered as a participant or a primary supplicant, they will be able to be the richest person in the world.
What qualifies you to be the world’s richest person? It’s because you have obtained true and authentic bodhicitta-the bodhicitta of Noble Guanyin. When you have attained spiritual union with Noble Guanyin, you will naturally become the world’s richest person. Enabling one to become the richest person in heaven or the richest person on earth via the cultivation of the greed path is an expression of Noble Guanyin’s extraordinary compassion toward sentient beings.
The Wealthiest Person on Earth Mudra Can Command Wealth Gods on Earth
Noble Guanyin’s mudra is the mudra of the wealthiest person on earth. This “mudra” can command all the wealth gods to assist you! This mudra is the mudra of Noble Guanyin. Those not attending the ceremony will not receive empowerment. However, as long as those who could not come but have registered as primary supplicants visualize themselves receiving empowerment while Grandmaster is bestowing empowerment will receive empowerment.
If watching online, you visualize yourself receiving the Dharma flow of Noble Guanyin’s empowerment. Later, when the empowerment starts, while watching the empowerment, the online participants can visualize themselves passing under the empowerment banners to receive empowerment. If they feel natural dharma flow into their bodies, they receive empowerment. Buddhadharma is omnipresent, and let me tell you all: buddha is omnipresent and Noble Guanyin is also omnipresent.
Mantra: “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.”
To obtain this wealth, take note of several important points: First, Noble Guanyin’s mudra. Her thumb points upward as in “number one." Her mudra is different and very special. This is the mudra of Noble Guanyin. As you can see by looking at Noble Guanyin, she is forming the “number one” mudra.
The second important point is her mantra. Noble Guanyin’s mantra is “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.” In a moment,we will broadcast the mantra. This mantra is the mantra of the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person in the World. It is pronounced “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.”
What is the meaning of “da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha”? “Gu-ru-ye” means “number one." “Da-zha-bu-ze” means “enormous accumulation," great and unsurpassed wealth. “So-ha” signifies perfect fulfillment of one’s wishes. “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum” is Noble Guanyin. The meaning of the mantra is “Enormous unsurpassed wealth to fulfill your wishes."
“Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum, da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha” is the second key formula. You must recite this mantra. Let me tell you: Regardless of how many times you recite the mantra, as long as you attain spiritual union with Noble Guanyin, you will attain great wealth in this lifetime. How wealthy will you be? You will always have money to spend, will never be out of money, and spend as much as you wish.
True Buddha Disciples Cultivate Wealth Deity Practice
Many Have Won Lottery Jackpots
What's going on here? You clearly stated that there is nothing, where does the money come from? In the past, Wan Sha Lang sang “Feng Cong Na Li Lai” (Where does the wind come from). We sing "Where does the money come from." Let me tell you: the disciple who won the Da Weili Cai in Taiwan is here, but we can't say it! If so, his children will know, which is forbidden. Cannot say it, but it is true that he won the Da Weili Cai. We all know that Lianhua’suomai, a disciple in the USA, won the Lotto. The disciple who won NT$3 billion from Weili Cai did not come today. There were a few more lottery winners. So, we have disciples winning the US Lotto, Taiwan Weili Lottery, and Singapore lottery. The disciple who won the Singapore lottery is here today, so are the disciples winning the Australia, Malaysia, and Thailand lottery. They are all among us.
How do I know this? Because an Australian disciple, whom I won’t mention by name, gave me a packet of money as soon as I entered the kitchen. My eyes opened wide in amazement. Why so much money? Why is he giving me so much? Could it be that he owed me money? He didn’t owe me, but why such a large packet of money? Finally, he told me that he had won a lottery jackpot!
There was another one who told me during a spiritual consultation that he won the lottery. He therefore bought a flight ticket and came over. He won the lottery while the ceremony was going on! Disciples in Singapore and Malaysia all won lottery prizes. They also gave me a big packet of money. Now my bag is very heavy.
Where Does Money Come From? From the Lottery!
If you cultivate this practice, where will the money come from? From winning the lottery! What wealth god practices do we have? White Jambhala Practice has won lotteries; Red Jambhala Practice has won lotteries; Red Manohara Vasudhara has hooked down money. Does anyone know about Dharma Sister Ying, a female disciple in Thailand? Is she still winning lotteries? She still continues to win. She used the hook of Red Manohara to hook the money and bring the wealth down from Heaven.
(A Reverend answered: Ying said that she cultivated Red Manohara while Master Huijun was holding a Dharma ceremony at Deju Cultivation Association. Master Huijun interviewed Ying afterwards. At the time, Ying recited the Red Manohara Mantra along with us. While she was reciting the mantra, she felt an extremely powerful sensation. She’s not the only one who won prizes. Fellow disciples also frequently win lottery prizes.) Good! Thank you! I tell you: Ying doesn’t have to work anymore. She has continuously won lotteries right up to the present day. From the time she received the Red Manohara Practice right up to the present. How many years has it been? More than 10 years (from the time Grandmaster first transmitted Red Manohara until now). How many years? It’s been 10 years. She has been winning lottery prizes for 10 years. Good! Please sit down. One can use Red Manohara’s hook to hook, hook, hook all the money over. Ying has been doing this for 10 years and continuously winning lottery prizes.
In addition, there is Golden Mother Instant Wealth Practice. Lianhua’suomai cultivated the Golden Mother Instant Wealth Practice and won the lottery right away. On the evening before he won the lottery, a multitude of buddhas and bodhisattvas manifested to him. Grandmaster also appeared and said to him, “You are going to win the lottery.” He then spent a little bit of money to buy lottery tickets. It turned out he indeed won. He went to bed first, but his wife wanted to check the numbers, since in the dream, Grandmaster said he was going to win the lottery. She therefore watched the lottery numbers drawn on TV, and finally saw that they won the grand prize. She joyously informed her husband of the Grand Prize and the two couldn’t sleep, dancing away the entire night. They had won the grand prize of the American lottery.
There was also a grand prize of NT3 billion dollars won by a True Buddha School disciple. Additionally, a singer also won, but of course, he doesn’t want to talk about it. This all happened in the past. Besides the NT3 billion lottery prize, we also have other Lotto winners and Weili winners. They are in the audience right now. Only Shimu and I know who they are. There are many winners among us! Countless. Many people have won lottery prizes.
Offerings: Five treasures, Five-Colored Silk Cloth, and Five Grains
Five Treasures: Gold, Silver, Pearls, Precious Stones, and Crystal
Where does the money come from? When one cultivates the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice, one’s wealth in heaven and short-term wealth in the human realm will both be enhanced.
We now have the key cultivation formulas: the mantra, the mudra, and finally, the offering, which is very important. One does not offer just any ordinary thing. To make the offering, you must offer three plates of very special things. The offering is very important.
The first offering plate holds “five treasures” (from his Dharma throne, Grandmaster holds up a five-treasure offering plate). This plate holds five treasures. (Grandmaster holds up a kilo of gold.) This is a kilo of real gold. What I am holding up is very heavy! My hand is trembling. This is about US$60,000 worth of gold. When gold prices were going up before, it was worth about $70,000. You may not be able to afford a kilo of gold. I will tell everyone about it later.
Gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, and crystal are the five-treasure offerings. Offering a kilo of gold is, of course, beyond the capability of most people. One can offer gold leaf instead. However, you must pack it away at night just like you would a kilo of real gold. (Grandmaster and the audience laugh.) Otherwise, someone will steal it from your shrine. You must pack it away or it will eventually get stolen. The first offering is the five treasures.
The second offering is “five-colored silk cloth." five-colored silk cloth, either silk or silk cloth is acceptable, the most expensive cloth. The five-colored silk cloth should be folded like this (from his Dharma throne, Grandmaster holds up an offering of five-colored silk cloth). This should be on your second offering plate.
On the third plate, one should offer “five grains." Does everyone know what the five grains are? (From his Dharma seat, Grandmaster holds up an offering of five grains.) Rice, barley, wheat, beans, sesame seeds, these are the five grains. These are the five kinds of food we humans eat. These three offerings are different from each other. One offers five treasures, five-colored silk cloth, and five grains.
Dedication: Inexhaustible Gold, Silver and Other Treasures;
More Five Grains Than You Can Eat; More Five-Colored Silk Cloth Than You Can Wear
The essential element of this practice is dedication. How does one dedicate? While making the offering, one visualizes infinite five Treasures, gold, silver, and other treasures that are inexhaustible. While dedicating, one must recite: “Inexhaustible gold, silver, and other treasures to use, inexhaustible amount of five grains to eat, inexhaustible amount of five-colored silk cloth to wear.” If having exhaustible gold, silver and other treasures is not being the world’s richest person, then what is? Inexhaustible gold, silver, and other treasures is like digging into a gold mine. One will have more gold and silver than one could ever use, more food than one could ever eat, more clothes than one could wear. Noble Guanyin will bestow on one an inexhaustible supply of food and clothing. One will have so much gold, silver, and other treasures one could never use it up. This already includes all. During one’s lifetime, gold, silver, and other treasures will be inexhaustible, clothing will be inexhaustible, and there will be more five grains than one can eat. If that isn’t the world’s wealthiest person, then what is?
Therefore, these three offerings are completely unique from others. They are not just flowers, incense, lamps, tea, and fruit. Additionally, the offering must have five Treasures, five-colored silk cloth, and five grains. These three offerings are unique, and the dedication is also unique. When finished cultivating the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice and ready to dedicate, how does one perform it?
In summary, the most important point is that one will have unlimited gold, silver, and treasures to spend, unlimited five-grains to eat, and unlimited silk garments to wear. With just unlimited gold, silver, and treasures, one already can obtain unlimited houses, land, and other things. If you don’t attain in this lifetime, you will in your next lifetime.
Key Formula for Cultivating Noble Guanyin: Mantra, Mudra, Offering, and Dedication
The three most important cultivation formulas are: mantra, mudra, and offering with dedication of merit. One dedicates the merit of the offering, and one must dedicate the merit of the three offerings. I will tell you the key points: one is mantra, one is mudra, and one is offering. The cultivation ritual of this practice is exactly the same as that of other personal deities. When cultivating Noble Guanyin, there is the “blessing of three lights” which is performed in the same way as the Guanyin Personal Deity Practice, except the mantras are different, the mudras are different, and the offering of three items is a different kind of offering. This is the most important secret. Also, the dedication of merit is different.
By succeeding in the World’s Wealthiest-Person Practice, one attains Buddhahood. As the wealthiest person in the human realm, one kicks Bill Gates to the curb. I’m not kidding, you’ll kick Bill Gates to the curb. Who cares about those electric cars, kick them aside. The entire earth will be yours. It’s not just the earth that will be yours, the entire universe will be yours. (Audience applause.) When you accomplish this practice, when you succeed in the World’s Wealthiest-Person Practice, won’t the entire universe belong to you?
Money Comes From the Cultivation of Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice
If One Does Not Become the Wealthiest in This Lifetime,
One Will Definitely Become the Wealthiest in One’s Next Lifetime
The upcoming empowerment is very important. When receiving the empowerment, one should form the “Number One in the World” mudra to command all the wealth gods in the world to assist one. It would indeed be strange if you didn’t get rich when you are helped by all the wealth gods in the world! Come and participate in the ceremony. Stop coming to me with a sad face because you don’t have any money. Where does money come from? Where does the wind come from? It comes from cultivating the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. If one does not accomplish the wealthiest person in this lifetime, if one really doesn’t, then one will succeed in one’s next lifetime. (Audience applause.) As long as one registers for the ceremony, one will have a share. This is different! The mudra is different, the offering is different, and the mantra is different. “Da-zha-bu-ze, gu-ru-ye, so-ha.” “Om, ma-ni-pad-me-hum” is Noble Guanyin.
Today, I have not told any jokes, but what I have said today is no joke. I am not joking. I am telling the truth. I will tell some jokes tomorrow. Tomorrow’s homa is also very important. Let me tell you that besides money, gold, silver, treasures, and being the world’s wealthiest person, one must also have a healthy body.
Tomorrow, Mahottara can help everyone with their health by eliminating all sicknesses. Today, one becomes the world’s wealthiest person, but if one is not healthy, what good is it to be the world’s wealthiest person? Right? Being the world’s richest person also requires one to be healthy so one may use one’s gold, silver, and treasures. This is inexhaustible.
(Grandmaster again lifts up the kilo of gold.) “Jin Shuo Shuo” (Taiwanese, meaning bling). This is truly the world’s richest person. This bullion is worth $70,000. It is truly worth $70,000. This (Grandmaster holds up a rubellite necklace) worth $1 million US dollars, not Indonesian dollars, not Taiwan dollars, US dollars-$1million US dollars. This is true. I’m not kidding. They are in fact worth $1 million. This center rubellite along with the other rubellites are actually worth $1 million.
At the time he gave it to me, I asked him, “How much are these worth?” He said, “It's worth $1 million.” I thought he meant Taiwan dollars, but it turned out he meant US dollars. Who was on the scene can prove it? At that time, who was on the scene? Stand up to speak. Was it $1 million US dollars? (A master replies, “Yes! $1 million US dollars.") Who said it was worth $1 million US dollars? The person who gave it to me. (Master confirms, “ Yes, it was the person who gave it to you.”) It’s not allowed to say the person’s name. It really is worth $1 million US dollars. A lot of bystanders heard him say it. Once the tongue sticks out, it doesn't go back in. It scared me! Amitofo.
Cultivate Noble Guanyin Practice
Attain the Wealthiest Person in Heaven and Human Realm
Let me tell you. Today, in just a moment, you will all be receiving empowerment to cultivate this practice. The three most important elements are offering, mantra, and mudra, plus the cultivation of Noble Guanyin World’s Wealthiest-Person Practice.
When one becomes the richest person in heaven, one has succeeded in attaining Buddhahood. When one receives spiritual union with the Wealthiest-Person Practice in the saha world, one then becomes the wealthiest person in the future saha world. Everyone here will be a tycoon. Having said that, is being here today worth your while? (Audience reply, “Yes!”) One can get elected president!
As you can see, right now there is a mega-billionaire running for president. He came to our ceremony to wish us success. He is a billionaire in Taiwan, also a billionaire of the world, because his own money also ranks in the list of the world's wealthiest rankings. He is famous. Do we know what his ranking is? He is Terry Kuo. What is his ranking in the entire world? He came to wish us success in this ceremony. Therefore, in the future, each and every one of us will be Terry Kuo. By cultivating this practice, one can attain Buddhahood, one can be the richest person, and in the future, one can extend one’s generosity to multitudes of sentient beings. (Audience applause.)
So far, I haven’t told a joke, I cannot tell a joke. What I have discussed today is the truth. (Audience ask, “Is it an uncommon practice?”) Of course, it is an uncommon practice, because I have so far never seen anyone else transmitting the Noble Guanyin Wealthiest-Person Practice. It is, of course, an uncommon practice of the True Buddha School.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang